OK I just googled Queensbay Mall, Penang.
And my goodness now I can't wait to go back home!!
It's actually quite rare for this state to have a symbolic or known shopping mall like Mid Valley or KLCC; though the population in the island is higher than those in the land(seberang). And Chinese being like the main population here, it is strange all these years not having a mall as big as Mid Valley. And I am not exaggerating here.
I just love Penang. My home. :D Finally you've given me a reason to be proud of you ;)
To top it all, it has Topshop, Forever 21, Zara, Dorothy Perkins, Somerset Bay, Guess, Liz Claiborne, MNG and many more..sigh..all only a few steps away from home.
All these years, I've always have to spend a few days in KL before going back to Penang just to get things there that Penang doesn't have. 5 years in high school and 2 years in AAJ. Now I can rest and settle in Penang happily.
My mum is going to be very stressful in August, all these while trying to hide this amazing news from me. Tsk. :)
It may not be Mid Valley or KLCC or OU, but who cares, with Topshop it's good enough for me. At least I have a reason to shop more at home.
p/s : he's not too happy about this. Killjoy.
best giler!!!
ReplyDeletekannn :D :D
ReplyDeletenak balik cepatt.
b4 blk nnt credit card jgn lupe bg sy ye,kate srh org simpan'n hr tu =P
ReplyDeletebile bileeeeee :D
ReplyDeletesy bg kat mak sy la boleh? :)
laaa.. takkan tak pnah pgi queensbay mall kot.. blakang rumah aku ja tu.. hahaha
ReplyDeleteoihh bashaa cis tau la dekat!!
ReplyDeletejeles gile aku.:D
asal aku br tau je kewujudan queensbay ni.
hahahaha.. tu la org seberang slalu lepak ocean ja.... slalu2 la dtg ke pulau.. bukan sje queensbay malah ade lagi gurney plaza yg sme tahap dgn mid valley..
ReplyDeletehahhaa oii ocean mana plak ni pacific la :D
ReplyDeleteaku salu je g sane tp bkn area bayan lepas,n aku takde la smpi taktau GURNEY PLAZA tu aku tau la :D hahaha
gurney plaza smpi thp midval ke?asal aku rase cm kecik je.
org penang da start bcerita khebatan tmpat dia da...knape xajak umi skali...hahaha
ReplyDeletehahaha takpe dh buat forum dah psl queensbay mall nih ;)
ReplyDeleteek e leh..
ReplyDeletee leh e leh ek e leh..
stakat queensbay je..
t'ganu ade mydin la rilek je huh
hek ellehh..
ReplyDeletemydin ade pe..tak men ar..
queensbay ni same ngan mid valley arr..
don't tell me u havent been there yet -_-"
ReplyDeleteblk ogos ni jom.
yess i havent been there yet -_-
ReplyDeletei feel like a loserr haha.
aku dah beli tiket dah punn :D
jom!aku balik from 14th aug till 30th sept :)