I think I've learned all about the Kardashians, Yasmin Ahmad, Denise Richards, Micheal Jackson, Elvis Presley all in one day more than I ever did my whole life.

And they say watching TV all day is wasting time.

Whoever took my cash in the cabin bag, I hope the things you buy using my money will get burned or stolen or something.

I am so freaking mad.

When we were in Japan, you can go out without having to lock the house door. You can go out to the supermarket in front of your house without locking the door. You can leave the car unlocked when you singgah a restaurant to eat. You can leave your bag in the train and get the bag being sent to your doorstep. You can forget basically anything and get them transferred to you to your house without losing anything.

I kept my 300 bucks in my cabin bag, with some coins, as I forgot to give the money to my mum the last time I went back home. So I kept it for like one and a half year untouched, happily knowing I have extra cash to spend the next time I go back. So last Friday before my flight I checked the bag, the cash was still there.

Arrived in KLIA. I thought bringing the cabin bag into the flight is so tiring, so I told the guy at the MAS counter I want it to be in the cargo. He said OK. So I went into flight with just my handbag.

Arrived in Penang International Airport. Went home only to find my 300 bucks with the extra coins were missing, leaving only the purse and other stuffs. And I cannot make a report because I forgot to bring back my bloody IC. Also because my mum said it's my fault too, I shouldn't have left the cash in the cabin bag like that.

How would I know someone in the airport, probably one of the airport workers would open my bag and took the cash and leave the purse back in the bag??

Seriously. I am never trusting anyone ever again, not even airport workers or customs or anyone.

Thank God I kept my other cash in the handbag. If not, right now I can kiss Queensbay Mall goodbye.

I've been home for, like, 4 days now.

Guess what my brother's version of warm welcome.

Day 1

Brother : Where's my pants?
Me : How would I know?
Brother : What are you doing home, sleep? Eat all day? Do some chores!

Day 2

Brother : Why are you sleeping all day? Your idea of resting, is it? Cannot help mum a bit at the kitchen also.
Me : Shut up I need my sleep.
Brother : (mumbles something offensive)

Day 3

Brother : Are you going out like that?(looking at my top)
Me : Yea why?
Brother : Great show them your arms lets see if one of them tegur you and follows you home.

I know my little brother has always been a bit protective, but I never knew he could be this violent.
Practically everything he says is critical, of what I'm doing, or what I'm wearing. And I hate that everything he says is true. But it's day four and I am so damn tired already.

Ughhhh whoever responsible for this I'm gonna hunt you down.

Even my mum is much, much cooler compared to him.

Last few days had been extremely tiring on my part.

I spent 4 straight days doing seizu, not eating or getting any sleep(ok that's a lie, I still sleep but not more than 5 hours like I used to) and kept staring at this bloody monitor finishing seizu only to find out my greatest piece of the six of them is corrupted and cannot be open. Seriously. My 6 hours of work cannot be open, means I have to do it again, from scratch.

It looks like this.

Yes, I have to do this TWO times. And it's just one out of 6 pieces that we have to submit. And till now I still don't get the connection between seizu and chemical engineering.

Do you know how bloody hard it is just to draw a half circle? Do you know how hard it is to draw a freaking bolt or screw or whatever the name is?? Unless you're a pro at CAD and have mastered it by heart, you'd be like me, spent days just to draw a heat exchanger-whatever-the-name-is.

Oh well. Doesn't matter because yesterday after days of doing it I've finally submitted and passed :) :)

I can go home happily :) :)

Ahhh life is good.

Called Takyubin(a service to send things to places, like Poslaju) to send my cargo bag off to Kansai Airport, managed to clean up the mess in the room since I've been too busy doing seizu, went out to pay bills, grocery shopping, etc.

Oh. And about this whole long distance relationship thing, I think I'm doing ok, surprisingly.(He must be rolling on the floor laughing right now) Ok, it's not like I haven't had any breakdown or anything like that but I thought it would be worst than now. But it's not. And I'm grateful for that.

(Maybe it's because it's just for 9 days..compared to other LDRs. Yes I know.)

I have a renewed respect for long distance relationship couples.

Another one of them, just for your viewing pleasure.

Warning : This post contains a lot of cheesy-weezy words and expression, so please be prepared. Preferably with a plastic bag on your side. Don't say I didn't warn you.

He's going back to Malaysia tomorrow morning. That means we have less than 12 hours to talk casually on the phone without having to worry about the phone bill.

Means I won't get to talk to him 24/7 like I used to.

I know, I sound like a whiny baby. But I'm the one who has to deal with not having the one person I talk to every morning; when I woke up, when I'm done having lunch, right before dinner, after dinner, before going to sleep. Yes we talk that much I don't know how it's even possible.

So basically this is the first time we're going to experience the real long-distance relationship; even though I'd like to label us as one before.

Now you have it, woman.

It's only for like, 9 days, because I'm going to Malaysia too on the 14th. So as I think about it - I've decided to take this as a challenge. Maybe 9 days would go just like that without us realizing, who knows?

9 x 24 = 216 hours.

That's a freaking 216 hours!!

I am going to love Skype even more.

To Mr. Boyfriend - I hope you'll have a great 9 days in Malaysia when I'm not there. Just remember that I'm still stuck here, still alive and kicking, and I really mean kicking, so have a great time with your family. Without me there.

And to top it all, I still have seizu to be completed before 14th.

Omg I just remembered the time difference.
It's only 1 hour, but still.

p/s : I just read the whole entry again, and realized how exaggerating it sounds. Oh well. Something to laugh about in the future.


my brain dump.