
Was browsing the net just now, when suddenly an idea popped into my head - why don't you try google your own name?

I'm sure celebrities do that all the time. You know, they're human like we are, too. Sure they want to know what people from all over the world write about them; the gossips.

So I did. I googled Zatil Aqmar.

Turns out I'm not the only one person with that name in this world. And I don't know, I'm not too happy about it.

I know I've always had that Middle Child Syndrome. When I was little, the guys would tease me by calling me 'katil' or 'Datin' (I honestly think this is worst). I hate that, but I've never hated my name, so I told them that they're just jealous because Zatil Aqmar in Arabic means 'beautiful as the moon'(yang cantik seperti bulan). HAHA. Apparently that shut them up for a while, but they became my best friends for 5 years till I went to high school. And thank God as I'm growing up everybody at home starts calling me Atin; because apparently the letter 'L' at the end of a name is just not so tongue-friendly. But I've always been so happy knowing no one else could ever have my name; as I've never met anyone with the same name as mine.

To be honest, I don't really like the nickname zatieaqmar on this blog's URL. Sure, my Japanese name is Zatie (because Japanese people would have to call me Za-ti-ru, and I think it's the ugliest name in the world, so I changed it to only Zatie) and all my Japanese friends and lecturers call and know me by that name, but I've never really embraced it.

I guess it's the matter of loving your roots. We'd always want our own name for anything.

I'm thinking of changing this blog's URL, but it'd be such a pain to redo things all over again. The template, the archives..sigh.

We'll see.


  1. sebenarnyer xpenah dgr or jumpe org name zatil aqmar.
    u're the 1st one org yg aku jumpe...pastu br la berlambak2 plak jumpe org yg name nih

    personally rase name zatil aqmar nih sgt sedap..ade rase nak namekan anak ngan name nih,tp..ala...nmpk sgt la nnti gune name kwn sendrik(>.<)
    now dah tahu mksd name nih;'yg cantik seperti bulan'...lg la rase tergoda nak gune japanese name pon huduh gila..dah la name mmg ade ru pastu ade L kat depan..zaman aaj dulu pon ade sensei yg ske mainkan name aku.nmpk sgt bunyi klakar.kdg2 slalu suruh sensei kat sini pgl pakai name ayh..sbb sian gak kat sensei cam tergeliat lidah nk pgl,lg teruk bile tersilap kdg2..dah la mmg dah buruk name jdk lg teruk plak
    *ok nape aku merungut2 kat sini plak nih*

  2. aww thank youu :) :)
    takpe,gune la at least i can take credit for it hahah ;) yea kecik2 dlu happy gile kot bile tau maksud name sendiri,vain gile.

    tula,nasib baik boleh pendekkan jadi zati takdela pelik sgt.klu bgtau full name kat diorg pun brape kali nak kne repeat.even org msia pun akan tanye byk2 kali baru diorg boleh catch up nama zatil ni boleh tak -_- tu la downside die kalau nak gune name ni haha :D

  3. Nice dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.

    1. biar lah kite jujur dengan nama sendiri dari mnipu diri sndiri dan orag lain saya bersyukur dengn nama saya zatil aqmar biar lh buruk dimata orng tidak buruk pada allah..spatot nya kite hrus kuat apebila org lain pngil nme kite dgn truk dari asal nya dan jgan lah pula kite ubah nma yg tlah diberikan ..dah baik nme nie lgi korg nak pertikai kan malu kononye dengan nma zatil aqmar tapi hakikat nye baik maksudnya..memang lah korg x pernh dngar nama nie sbb korg lembab x thu...ak mmng pernh kena hina dgn nma yg mcm laki.katil lah.datin lah anthing yg sme dgn zatil aqmar tpi smangat aku dgn nma sbenar ak ni x pernah putus ak ttp mmakai nama sbenar aku yg tlah diberi dri baby aku nak nasihat kan pade org yg dinama kan zatil aqmar bersyukur lah dgan nama yang diberi....ini jga stu rahmat dri allah.... abaikan kta2 manusia nie manusia yg mmandang buruk pade nama yg baik mmng cetek pemikiran nye...allah maha adil guyss so dont give up ok:-)

  4. Assalamualaikum tuan tanah... apa maksud zatil sahaja ya.. if tuan tanah tau... Terima kasih 😊



my brain dump.