yukata matsuri 2010.

Just a quick update, my eyes are half-open (seriously), my hands are too tired to even type, I've been wooaarghhh-ing non-stop for the past three hours. But I still want to update this.

We had our annual Yukata Matsuri (Yukata Festival) last Sunday, and it was such a blast! Though we had some issues on the menus with the committee members of the festival (bloody strict kids, can't you just learn how to tolerate?!) but we decided to put it past us and make the full out of the day.

Yukata Matsuri is an annual festival celebrated by the Japanese people as one of their tradition, where they would wear yukata (casual/summer kimono) to the festival. Usually the festival would be hosted by universities as there are bigger crowds and organizations that can participate in opening gerai-s and conducting events. It's big in the lower part of Japan, particularly Osaka-Kansai.

Malaysian In Hiroshima had our gerai too, and we sold satay.
No, I didn't get to taste it :( They were sold out by 2 pm!

The taukeys of satay.
I want the yukata they wore :(
For those of you who love seeing Japanese girls in yukata.

And at night, we get to see hanabi too!! :D (I've not seen hanabi in years, explains the quirkiness) I swear, they were the prettiest things ever.
Before the hanabi started. Please excuse the super oily skin of mine, it was 30 degrees outside and my skin practically burnt.
I just realized this picture looks so romantic because there are 2 people in the middle and they look like they were enjoying the hanabi together..sighh..

This would be my last Yukata Matsuri in Japan, since I'll be graduating next year. Can't decide if I'd miss it or not. Oh well, a lot more festivals ahead.

*jumps into festivals mood*


  1. Salam, thanks for dropping by my blog! =)

    Looks like you're having an awesome time studying in Japan. Enjoy it to the fullest!

  2. salam, no problem :)

    insyaAllah, though final year is the busiest time for me. sigh. am trying to fit some 'fun' in my schedule :)

    you too! :)



my brain dump.