a little something for him.

I've been postponing this post for 3 long days (I'm hardly a patient person) cause I'm waiting for the item to reach him before I post this entry, so here it is :)

My boyfriend got a job in Fukuoka, means he'll start working for a company here starting the minute we graduate in March 2011. It also means we'll be oceans apart since I'll be working in Malaysia, and we agreed to work out our career plan for good few years before settling down so basically he'll be here in Japan for at least 2-3 years before coming back to Malaysia. Spells out capital LDR for us.

He had a welcome ceremony for selected employees (内定式) held by his company earlier this month, so I thought of giving him something. Thought of making him a card at first, but turned out I had too much time in my hands!

Made him a scrapbook. Nothing fancy, though; just wanted to let him know I'm so proud of him.

It's always fulfilling doing something different for your loved ones; one that doesn't involve very expensive gesture. It's the thought that counts, I believe. It's even meaningful when it's a surprise; I'm always bad at surprises I was so scared I'd ruin it!

To you, I hope you like it :) Excuse the bad handwriting though. HAHA.

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  1. i love it very much thank you,luv u syg =)

  2. omaigod sweet gilaaaaaaaaaaa n buku tu comellllllllllllllll!!!

    jeles2. eh?


  3. hey u mcm i la, suke create something for boyfie, better than we buy ! :) sweet !

  4. ckyn, anon and lyda, thank youu :) it's not perfect but i had fun doing it :)

  5. atil!!! u did everything urself?? the scrapbook is so pretty!!!! =))

  6. haah, i was shocked too never thought i had that much determination to finish the whole book haha! thank you hun :))

  7. omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!

    n kiut plak tuh.
    ah, dislike!



my brain dump2025.