skinny bitch.

I bought this book wayy back then when it first came out, but just finished it yesterday.

Yeah, motivational self-help books and me are not in the same world.

I don't know if any of the things they said is true, but if you want to turn into a vegetarian, this is the book you should get.
This book is basically about animals are slaughtered for us human to eat; about how horrible it is and stuff. But of course there are also about :

  • oil leads to heart disease; avoid re-using heated oils
  • natural is the way to go - fruits and veggies. Eat them.
  • avoid fried food
  • healthy = skinny. unhealthy = fat.
  • you might be fat because you don't poop enough. So poop.
  • coffee = fat cells = bad.
  • bread and fruits are the way to go, always.
  • don't be anorexic, be healthy.
  • onion and garlic - EAT!
  • buy natural beauty products
  • do yoga, the best exercise
  • you can eat junk food, but think limit.
  • buy a food steamer, you won't regret it.

You know, the basic stuffs.

But I gotta say, they make sense. I'm not usually the type of person who follows everything the book says; all those fashion books are for knowledge, you're not supposed to change everything about yourself, just change the things you think you should change - I hope I'm making sense here - but Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin make me see the things I done wrong in the past.

Sugar and oil, for one. After reading this book I know instantly that I've been swallowing both more than other human beings - if you've been to my house you'd know. Sugar and coffee are my best friend. My mum would squeal at the amount of sugar I put in my coffee, even if it's 3-in-1 instant coffee! My boyfriend would always lecture me and say "go ahead have your leg cut off when you're 30" but nothing seems to make their way into my stubborn head. Until I read what these two ladies say in this book.

I know I have to change this bad habit of mine, and am proud to say I am! Been cutting out the amount of sugar I use and even coffee. Said goodbye to oily food yesterday, which is tough because Malay food are basically..oil and santan. Pfft.

But above all, I think the one thing you should change is the way of thinking - I'm not doing this because I want to be skinny. Skinny girls scare me off sometimes. But I know I'm not leading a healthy way in terms of consuming food so this is me trying to be healthy. Cause I know I'm not.

Next, exercise. Ooh great..I hate gyms.
"There is nothing uglier than a pretty woman who's nasty."
- Rory Freedman.

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my brain dump.