distance what?

I just realized I haven't really blogged about LDR ever since I come home. Mannn what a relief, because I know, if this post were a month before there would be lots and lots of whining in here.

But to tell you the truth, it's been a breeze. HAHA (go ahead, smack me). Yeah yeah all jokes aside, really, I never thought I could go through these past months so well.

So ladies and gentlemen, I've found the secret. The LDR secret.


I thought I'd go crazy once he started working, and I wasn't. Then I thought I'd go crazy once I started working, but I wasn't. Really, reading back my previous entries about LDR, I expected the worst. (If you've read this, I AM SO SORRY. Happy to report that I'm all sane now. Hehe)

But surprisingly - things have been going on so well. Better, in fact. I no longer whine about him being busy, I cherish the little time we have instead. I no longer sulk and lock myself in my room, I go out and spend time with my family/friends till night comes and he'd Skype me and I spend some time talking to him.

Nothing has really changed, it doesn't feel like he's so far away. It feels..perfectly normal.

Well, except when Viber's connection screwed and Skype isn't working. But then, we have phone lines. And all is good.

I realize that if we really want something to work out, then it will.(with efforts, of course) Regardless of time, distance or space - nothing really matters when you have that will. And trust, too.

But there were times when I happen to browse back our pictures together, something just hit me really hard - that I won't have that opportunity anymore. Going out together, spending time visiting new places, going in and out of trains at midnight, strolling down the city road on weekends.

I remember taking this photo when we were at Hiroshima station, waiting for our midnight bus to Tokyo. We were eating junk food, taking pictures, talking, looking at people passing by the area (it's actually a waiting area but more like a restaurant with no food - tables and chairs complete with cabels for laptops and everything! Yes Japan is a perfectionist.) and he was taking videos of me eating while talking nonsense. 

It was one of the perfect nights, for me.

Relationships just don't work that easy. A lot of efforts have to be made, lots of things to be remembered, to take care of. I have so much respect for couples who've gone through so much (cheating partners, etc) and yet still managed to find the happiness they long for. Really, sometimes I just feel like I've been lucky.

Looking at this photo just reminds me of how happy I was. I doubt that I'd ever look this contented in photos to come, but I'm glad to know that at some point in my life, I was perfectly happy.

So whenever you feel like you've been down or life isn't treating you the way you want, look back to those places and times when you felt contented. Because you'll always have that, whether you realize it or not.


  1. hihi...tq kak zatil utk post yg positif ini..
    i should get used to it to0..ahh...trust3..;D

  2. @incik neng @my only closet: thanks. :)

  3. @amy a : haha! tau takpe, a long way to go ni. ;) takdelahh don't worry!

  4. Beautiful post!
    I agree with you! LDR can be easy~ people just freak out too much.
    Trust is key and communication. You also can't act careless or care too much. Just keep balance and inshallah things will be fine. We have to let go of fear and trust our men and Allah ~ : )

  5. @just jess : "trust is key and communication" - couldn't agree more. fear would always be there, just have faith, insyaAllah :)

  6. haha... just read this. agreed. im an LDR baby. dads in tudm port dickson, now a pilot, mom ur normal 部長さん. and... hahaha ldr is in the blood i guess my siblings, me... the goodbyes hurts like damn, but when you get on with life, the little msgs shared become delights and those together times are bliss! am i right or am i right? hahaha

    1. Didii! How come I just realized your comment noww haha.

      Whoaa I can't imagine to be married and still staying separately :O I thought LDR before marriage is tough enough! Lol. So much respect for your mum :) Yup it does make everything seems more important than usual; all the small efforts and simple things. Plus all the presents/souvenirs we get when they came back. Am I right hahaha!

  7. that was how you look like at MIDNIGHT..life is not fair.



my brain dump2025.