back to temporary home.

Now, the real life kicks in.

Reached Bangi and work starting tomorrow. I've forgotten how dull my routine was until I was putting the new curtain on by myself (that, IS a real achievement) and I realize I miss my Penang home.

New curtain. I like everything gold now.

Who says growing up is fun? Sheesh.

And the fact that I left Baby Niece at home while she's still taking some time to get used to me (she refused to be fed by me the first day I was home) just sucks. She's growing up, and I feel a pang of guilt everytime she doesn't recognize me and refused to do anything with me.

But of course, she will after 5 minutes and 3 wheatmeal biscuits and a box of Coco Crunch I gave her. But still.

Btw, I was busy the whole week due to the bestfriend's akad nikah and wedding, which pictures are still pending. Will do a post on it later!

Yes, I love the make-up artist too. She's amazing.



my brain dump2025.