Hana's big day.

So this is why I've been so busy last weekend.

More pictures coming up (from my phone since I couldn't be bothered using the camera, too bulky and my dress didn't have a pocket) but I've got to sort myself out first. Been away the whole weekend and my bag is still there at the corner of my room, untouched.

This is one special wedding for a special person, and she truly deserves all the beautiful things in it. Still can't believe this would be the end of our sleepovers, but I still love you Hana! :*

P/S : The CREATIVO team made the awesome video, so go to their FB page for enquiries. They shoot and edited the nikah video on the same day so the newlyweds could play the video during their reception the next day :O Awesomeness.

(read about her engagement here & here)

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my brain dump.