how I work

One of my routines for the last few months is going to meetings at the consultant's office. And I snapped this at the lobby.

I think part of developing yourself besides burying your face under tons of reports is networking with other people. Not necessary about work, but just about anything - as long as it doesn't hurt the sensitivity of your job's confidentiality.

I've learned a lot these past almost two years, and I'm grateful for everything that it has brought me. All the extra time reading journals, doing simulation using softwares I've never even heard of before, preparing presentation packs for the bosses - it's all part of the party. And I thank God I have the chance to compare how it's done at other companies - albeit them being in the same industry - which opens the door to a whole new endless possibilities' world.

I think it's true, you don't judge based on where you work, it's what goal you're striving for and who you are working with. It's how you work. I still get amazed at how brilliant my colleagues are when they do their presentation, at how composed they are when there are challenges which would set us back from achieving our goal, at how positive they are in overcoming those situation.

I'm still amazed. And I'm still learning everyday.

Though having to go through Jalan Tun Razak at peak hours everyday isn't something I look forward to -_____-"

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my brain dump.