that short girl

My colleagues have always teased me about owning too many shoes (refer to this) even though I'd like to believe I bought the shoes with justification.

It's not easy finding a suitable-for-work shoes and yet still comfortable. And my small size feet isn't helping either.

So I found this work shoes from Charles & Keith which I deemed perfect - it's got some height but still comfortable to walk in, it's black, it has some shiny metal part at the part (don't know what people call it) which makes the whole outfit looks presentable enough at the office.

And then, one day I came into the office. Colleague was smiling, which is weird.

"What's wrong?"

"I knew it was you coming to the room like miles away"



"You have such a specific walk, like literally no one else walks like you. You take steps at small pace yet fast, probably because you're short"

Can you imagine my face? Yeah. If she isn't a colleague cums a dear friend of mine (also a fan of the gym), I'd probably give her some bruises.

But some male colleagues noticed it too, so I guess it wasn't entirely her fault. They always say I picked it up from all those years spent in Japan (Japanese known for their fast-paced walking) but I just knew it has something to do with my height -____-"

Still not ready to give up, I told her,

"Maybe I should patent the way I walk, so that no one would steal it"

It wasn't until I heard she's laughing that I realize not only I'm a short girl wearing heels that the entire floor can hear, but also how big of a nerd I am. (those in R&D line would understand)


  1. no worries kak zatil, sy mcm ade kaki yg pnjg tp depa kata saya jln lngkh kcik n laju jgk...;D



my brain dump.