it's the day

So in a few hours, I'm going to be a Mrs. God knows how many dramas I've had this past few days; but I'd take it as a "complimentary gift" upon this status-changing ceremony.

Firstly, my grandpa (arwah Atok's husband) passed away last few days, so I had to take emergency leave to go back to Penang despite having planned to start my holiday on the day I finished my training this week.

Tahlil was done the day after, and despite not having my grandpa with me on my special day, I know he's in a so much better place right now in God's blessing. And that he's not suffering in pain anymore. So that alone, gives me so much comfort than I could expect. Seeing him in pain on his wheelchair, him trying to move around would break my heart.

Secondly, my nikah was supposed to be at my house but there were rumors that the tok kadi is unwell - hence Mum was hesitant to held nikah at my house. "We should do it at tok kadi's convenience", she said. That alone kind of changes the whole plan - but today the tok kadi contacted me and ensured that it'd be at my house as per planned. Alhamdulillah!

Who says getting married is easy? Haha.

Thank God mine would be in just a few hours!

Fetched my classmate in Japan, Erica from the airport as she's coming all the way to Malaysia for the wedding woohoo. Can't believe she's here!

Now back at home and Mum refused to let me out until tonight. WISH ME LUCK.


  1. 1. Takziah and Al-Fatihah for him.
    2. Phewwit. Congrats Zatil!! Didoakan semoga segala urusan majlis berjalan lancar and semoga this marriage will make you and Senget closer to Allah :)
    3. Happy humping!! LOL.

    P/s : Selain wedding pictures, nanti upload la juga wedding card sekali. Full view :)

    1. Aww thank you!! Hahah can't stop laughing at number 3 lol.

      P/s : Will do soon insyaAllah :) Gotta start unpack and find the leftover cards. The ones I have cuma part of the card je -____-"

  2. So excited for u! Tumpang nervous sekaki. Hehe! And don't forget to update about it soon!

    Al-fatihah to your arwah grandpa. May he be among the righteous. Amin....

    1. Thank youu! Please doa for us :) I hear (read) you're getting married? Congratss!



my brain dump2025.