Bali : Painting & Ubud

After we got tired with silvers, the driver took us to do one thing I never thought I would do.

Go see paintings!

We dropped by this place in Desa Batuan near Ubud, which is famous for its collection of authentic Bali paintings. The driver told us briefly that we are heading there, but I never thought it's a place where the artist works - only a painting gallery came to my mind.

Most of the paintings bear nature and people theme - mixed with Balinese culture. There are also portrait paintings of Balinese, but the nature ones are the best sellers as it represents Bali's good nature (according to the guide).

Guided through walls of beautiful paintings in the workshop.

 The most iconic painting, because we're in it. LOL.

 The workshop cum gallery.

 Clearly we had some fun posing with the paintings (and pak supir having fun taking our photos)

Decided to buy a beautiful painting with Balinese people motive as our souvenir. Now? Haven't even gotten it out the package and buy the frames yet.

Next, pak supir took us to the most iconic place in Bali - Ubud rice terrace!

Never crossed my mind that I'd go to places like this. The place is beautiful - reminded me of old rice paddy village somewhere in Kedah.

Also the same place where they filmed Eat Pray Love!

 Small cafe located by the terrace, convenient cause it was scorching hot.

Took some pictures with a farmer there carrying something which they put the paddy in. He looks just like Ketut Liyer, the medicine man in Eat Pray Love, I realized (or maybe all the farmers there look identical). Some tourists even tipped him some money for his willingness to be in the picture. It sorts to become like a side business to them, albeit having spent most of their lives being farmers in the most famous rice paddy field in the world.

This is one place you must go in Bali.

1 comment

  1. "The most iconic painting, because we're in it. LOL."

    Anon gelak. Seriously.



my brain dump.