Cheryl Samad

A few weekends ago, we went for our date at Bangsar Village for the first time. Yup, that's right. We've never been there all these time while we were dating - for almost 9 years!

So ajak-ed the husband to take me there. He did. 

Was impressed with the shops there. I never knew Twentyfour and Dude & The Duchess got outlets there. And was quite happy to see Zara as it's been ages since I last went into the store. Went inside, came out with a navy pants and blue flawy top. Like.

Then, for the sake of exploring we walked around the area and all the way to Bangsar Village I because I knew there were some stalls opening for charity. 

And then I saw her.

We were on the walkway back to BVII, and she was coming from the opposite direction - carrying her bag, pushing a stroller with one hand in the company of an elderly woman I assumed is her mother. Wasn't quite sure at first, but after some ridiculously long stalker-ish stare I knew it was her. 

Then she saw that I was looking (staring), so she turned at me and smiled. Like, a genuine happy, friendly smile. 

I was starstruck.

I have only one goal now. When I'm in my 30s, and have babies, I'd like to at least look half as healthy as her. She pushed the stroller as if she was meant to do it - in a simple white top and jeans (I think, wasn't too sure if it's OK to be at that level of stalking) all the while looking very happy and young. Granted, she's petite so I think that's one advantage we have over other average taller women - we look younger because of our size, but I want to also look as healthy, and happy. 

Starstruckk still.

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my brain dump.