
So last night, I saw my uncle leaving his family to leave for a foreign city, to pursue what he's always dreamed of and destined to do.

Just like he did many years ago. And years before that. And before that.

I don't talk about work much nowadays compared to a few years ago when I just started, but I take it as a good sign - that maybe I've matured. I've dealt with different things throughout my career, and it's only been my 5th year working as an engineer!

Less whiny post about work, less stress I guess? Haha.

Not sure if you remember, but this uncle is the one I talked about many years ago - the one who inspired me enough for me to choose being an engineer. He's been in different places since, different cities of course, travelling and seeing the world while doing his job in the oil and gas industry. Being the person he knows best.

Then, when the oil price tumbled sometime ago and shook the industry, he was one of the many who felt the hit. Still, he stays positive and goes on with life like the credible person he is; not letting one door closing affects the other doors which are waiting for him.

That, if not passion, I don't know what is. Truth is, I've never seen anyone so excited for work like he's always do - regardless of the places he's assigned to, which mega project, under whose wing. He never bothers, and as he says "it's all small matter anyway, the important thing is you do what you are being amanah to do".

And last night, he left his family for a job destined for him in Italy for years to come, just like he did before. That fact did not shake him or his family for a bit; in fact they celebrated his achievement and "you're just an aeroplane away".

Maybe, just maybe, I'd have that level of courage in my veins, someday too.

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my brain dump.