it's raya baby :)

I'm dropping by to wish you all,

As of this moment, my mum is off to work (YES HARI RAYA PUN KERJA..I guess now we know where this workaholic trait comes from), my brother and sister are having lunch while watching TV, on a Raya afternoon. And I'm updating this blog..hehe.

I know I haven't updated since I reached Malaysia last Monday, but seriously life had been hectic in this household. Since it was the final days of Ramadan and I hadn't had a baju raya yet, me and my mum had been out hunting baju kurung for me. Last two days I spent the whole day at my nenek's place; helping her making ketupat and rendang daging because she's on her wheelchair since her knees were injured and she couldn't walk. It killed me to see her for the first time in the pace of one year; a lot have changed, her face clearly shows how frail she has become.

Spending time with her was the best thing ever :) I can't believe I hadn't gone to her place for such a long time.
So today we had our usual routine; going to the mosque for Raya prayer and visiting dad's grave. Alhamdulillah I'm so glad I still have a chance to visit his grave as everytime I come back I can only go to the graveyard a few times; my mum always so busy and a lot of stuffs always seem to be in the way..but everytime I can go, I made sure I spend a lot of time there; just reciting Quran and cleaning dad's grave area. Today when we went there, there's a new tree planted. It warms my heart to know someone besides us had been there and showed their respect to my late dad, Alhamdulillah :)

It's only 3 pm on hari raya and I've got so many things to be thankful for. Thank you God.

It's hard for me to update since *ehem* the brother is always here, but I'll make sure he won't stop me from doing the things I love! Pfft. Yeah, think twice before your parents decide to give you a younger sibling.
I hope you have a fab Raya :) I'm sorry for any of my wrongdoings; personally or through this blog.


  1. selamat hari raya atil..maaf zahir batin.halalkn salah silap kalau ade yek.n have a great one dkt msia tu! :)

  2. selamat hari raya izzat, maaf zahir batin too :) thank you! hope you had a great one too ok :)



my brain dump2025.