5 years & counting

Miss Zatil is currently away right now.
She's busy kemas-ing her house under my direct gaze.
I can't look away just for 1second otherwise mmg xsiap2 la brg nk dipacking.
So apologies to whom yg tgu for her to update this blog.

I just want to say a quick word here.
It's been 5years already, & next week we'll start a new phase in our life.
My heart have never been this hard to let u go..
I just hope that u enjoy yourself back home with families & friends.
I promise to work hard so that 1nichi mo hayaku i can be with u for the rest of my life..

I love u so much Nurzatil Aqmar bt Othman @>---


  1. kandounyerrr... atel sure da ngs.. aku doakn cpt2 la korang kawen. senget gambatte!!



my brain dump2025.