It's weird to me that some people think the royal wedding "isn't that big of a deal". IT'S THE ROYAL WEDDING!! HOW CAN IT NOT BE A BIG FREAKING DEAL?! I, unashamedly glued to my TV screen hours before the actual program start. Luckily my whole family...

Just so you can see (a partial) my uneven skin tone (darn Malaysian weather) and this so-called trend breaking new shawl style and my current obsession of experimenting with colors. Am feeling very yellow-y right now. ...

Nowadays, I realize just how lazy I am when it comes to interviews. I've gotten offers for interviews and open interviews from several companies, most of them as suggested by my family. They were all, "Ooh why don't you try so and so? That's Japanese...

If you think getting a job is hard, think again. The process after getting the job is much much harder. Well, if you're living by yourself, that is. I've been practically AWOL from cyberworld since last few days cause I've been running here and there;...

If there's one thing I love (and so does other half a million population of girls), it's sale season. Sometimes it's pure luck like the time when I had my mind blown away by Zara's sale not so long ago in Hiroshima (if you remember), but sometimes you...

Last weekend was perhaps the most fun weekend I've ever had. It was Mum's birthday, and earlier this month me and my sisters had been planning to organize a secret surprise celebration for her. My first sister was the mastermind; she organized everything...

My niece turns 7 months last few days. She's officially on a track to being a non-stop nagging baby. She can't speak yet, so she keeps making noises whenever she wants/hates something - usually when we put her down for her naps, or when she wants the...

Dear World Wide Web, I'm sorry for neglecting you. It wasn't like I've been running here and there working or making assignments like I used to tell you or anything. I'm terribly sorry. House is too comfortable for me, to be honest. I spend my...

Lately, life has been a bliss. I've learned not to be a couch potato (I HAVE to get away from that remote, permanently) and actually go out; even just for a while. An hour. That's what it takes. Because going out for dinner with your girlfriend is always...

Me : (one of the few rare times posting something on his Facebook wall) <3 (you know, because it turned out as a little heart on Facebook) Normal guys would reply as posting the same thing, or adding a couple more hearts, or just go 'what's up baby?'. ...

Since I've got nothing to do at home except channel-ing to E! and eat-sleep combo, so many things reminded me of Japan and realize that despite my constant bitterness with my student life there, I really miss my life life there. Like how I can go anywhere...

My bestfriend and I had our first tour of Penang since I got back, yesterday. It was unbelievably hot, but it was fun nonetheless :) Felt like our younger years, except the fact that we're no longer 17. I love how Penang never fails to amaze me....


my brain dump2025.