saying goodbye to manufacturing

So it's official.

I've started my career in engineering field since I graduated in March, and up until now, manufacturing line is always the one thing I rather familiar with. Been at two different workplaces in a pace of less than a year, I realized there are so many things that a degree can't teach you; only experience. Go do something, and you'd find yourself thinking "why on earth everything I've learned from the past 4 years in uni doesn't even link with this job?"

Of course, one with less than a year experience still counts as a fresh graduate, so I can't say much. If you're in the manufacturing line, you'd either love it or hate it. For me, I still feel like in between - it's tough for a chemistry background like me, yet the challenges are what keeps me excited everyday.

So when this offer came, I had to think hard. But settling in oil and gas business is once in a lifetime chance, so I can't give it up.

Everything started when I applied for all top oil and gas companies in Malaysia, only to be kept waiting for several months without any response - until in August I was called for a Technical Assessment Interview for this position, and a few months after that I was called for their Structural Interview (SI) in KLCC. It was a hard time for me, because I'm still working and I have very very few annual leave left and I have to travel KL-Penang, go to the interview and to work on the very next day. Exhausted, yes; but at that point I figured well at least it's one of the great experiences I've had in my life. 

So there. It's been like, a week or two since I've left my previous company and will be starting a new phase next month - to tell you the truth, I have no idea what to expect. Preparations are beyond crucial; I know I have to do everything differently now. It's like, going back at this point I've been before, only the direction is different.

InsyaAllah, everything will be smooth. It's already been the best year, 2011 - graduated, and working. Please pray for my next year to be equally as, if not better :)


  1. oh my! working with petronas is one of my dreams too! {although company law doesn't suit my liking}

    anyway, congratulations & alhamdulillah! :D

  2. Thank you! I know nothing about company law though haha. Alhamdulillah amin :)

  3. Big congratulations!! YAYY!! =D



my brain dump2025.